Detail information:
Your Health, Your Assurance, Your Adventure.
Chronically ill client
World Emergency Card is highly beneficial for individuals suffering from various medical conditions that may require immediate and specific medical care. Here are specific examples of diseases and health conditions for which World Emergency Card is particularly advantageous.
Now in your mobile wallet!
International smart health emergency card
It contains digital medical records that can save lives in life-threatening situations. Any doctor can access the necessary information on the card anywhere in the world (medications, blood group, allergies, long-term illnesses, contact person, etc.) if the patient is unconscious and unable to communicate.
What information is on the card?
Information about your medical condition that is important
for providing essential help in medical emergencies.
First name, surname and year of birth.
A description of any allergies suffered and any other relevant details.
First aid
Rescue medicine. A website where your doctor can find all the information about your illness.
General practitioner
Name, phone number and email of your GP.
Front page of ID Card
The front side of your ID card with your name, photo and other basic information.
Your emergency contact
A patient’s close relative or other person who can be called in an emergency.
A list of all medications you take regularly, including dosage.
A list of all your vaccinations, including the period of validity.
Expiry notice
The card monitors the expiry dates of important medicines, vaccinations and planned doctor’s appointments. The World Emergency Card keeps you and your doctor informed.
Insurance Card
Information about your health insurance.
Blood group
A person’s blood type.
A list of any diseases you suffer from.
Any surgeries you have had performed, including date of execution.
Medical reports
A database of your medical records.
Travel Insurance
Information about your travel insurance.
Best for Holiday
Perfect for those who want peace of mind during their holiday. This short-term option ensures your health information is secure and accessible while you're away, so you can enjoy your vacation without worry.
...from 1,8 $ per day.
Most popular
Annual Registration – Designed for regular travelers who need ongoing protection. Whether it's for business or personal trips, this plan ensures that your health details are available anytime, anywhere, all year long.
...from 0,7 $ per day.
Best value
5-Year Registration for Chronic Conditions – Ideal for individuals with long-term health needs. This extended plan is perfect for those managing chronic illnesses, ensuring your medical information is up-to-date and accessible over multiple years.
...from 0,3 $ per day.
All your medications in all world languages. Thanks to me, you will be safe all around the world.
14 days
1,8 $ per day
1 year
0,7 $ per day
5 years
0,3$ per day